Carly Read

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カーリーは、自ら認めるほどの旅好きで、表現豊かなアーティストです。2017年には、アーツカウンシル・イングランドから助成金を受け、『Love Poems to the Sea』という初の個展をPZギャラリーで開催しました。その後、コッツウォルズやウェストコーンウォールのブリソン・ヴェオールでのプロフェッショナル・レジデンシーに繋がりました。


Carly is an expressive artist with a self-confessed case of wanderlust. In 2017 she won a grant from Art Council England which paved the way for her first solo show ‘Love Poems to the Sea’ at PZ gallery. This then led on to professional residencies in the Cotswolds and at Brison Veor in West Cornwall.

Carly has exhibited widely across the UK. She holds a Masters in Art and Politics (distinction) from Goldsmiths, University of London and considers herself an ‘art activist.’ When she’s not travelling Carly works from her art studio in the basement of Artizan Gallery, where she regularly shows her work, and she enjoys nothing more than sketching by the sea.