カール・ブラッセは南オーストラリア州アデレード出身の陶芸家です。彼は過去 2 か月間韓国で活動しており、さまざまな陶芸技術、特に木製の道具とキックホイールを使用した伝統的な甕器壺の製作を学んでいます。
Karl Brasse is a ceramic artist from Adelaide, South Australia. He has been working in South Korea for the last two months, learning various pottery techniques, most notably the building of traditional Onggi pots using wooden tools and a kick wheel.
Karl gathered many photographs and ideas on his journey, which he hopes to actualise by making a library of ink-brush paintings, and then paint the images onto clay with a brush and blue cobalt oxide, a specialty of the local area surrounding ArtsItoya.